Hi dear housers you big in your trousers! This should blow into streaming, 50-80 m2 I’m from You(?) needing! Read this:

I will fix the threat from Your (<3)-? nest and am foolproof in good girl says all tests.

Next 3 posts tell my plans to save Finland+ .

As a rentist you want me. Agree rhymes but so does ”Jee”.

Safe: interest supervisor - shit in my shoes. Innocent. Rent: max. I have these plans to run my wine on a 0 budget.

1. Apartment, min 50 m2 and other room knows you.

2. Cotton cloud (theater, height 1-2 m) fills the room and up: fishnet and blue papers (ONKO KATTO MURENEVAA? Masterplan under!)

3. Savukoneet and strobo sun.

4. Then working out towards walls with heaven stair carpentery and talent, 12 mattrasses for watchers once I’m doing my nest heavenly flat garment.

(12 is important. If they say a valid argument against my politics they keep their wine box - not gonna happen!:)) food check; if they throw: inside cage YOLO and with ket spoons it’s mo’, they win one.

I will them teach. Art and eye and smart and way.

I get them nice easy, I buy two balloon. Two dolphins and in the site i do tell them i have a cifón. 

12+12+12121212 (+stream?) doing this with kaossilator:

Only things I bitch finance fuck will ask from: a TV lol like the last I would pay for.

And a laptop as I already have one (lost with my love), 

so I can sell it then later and invest in some wilderdom (host with tekno valo-V!);

>!: Valotus: red satin and limegreen, through fuchsia on strobo for party scene.

Budget: -500~ + spoons and cotton.

Remember with this I build a solution rolling 0 budget.

Bitch (interest supervisor) fucked my economics.

So I promised porn.

Family girl does payback tricks,

I will wear the glimmest exposureish pants ever worn.

I will wear the sex pants

In the next 3 plans:

-~500 €: my budget gap:

By order for 10 €’s nude pants for snap:

Imitation of famous/chosen pornstar pose,

With better face as sure as wet in my pantihose.

(Yes pantyhose shorts I sparkle with covering glitter - still as in going showing so mom and birds contrast TWITTER.) (to mom I this promised) (-my problem and challenge is to make it porn enough - i’m class and classic; my flute and bass align symmetric).

How to make bitch feel useful (plans to put her AHAH food coupons on fish food and flyer lollipops) and pocket EN OLE PIKKURAHANNUOLIJA money to the sea:


Otherwise i swear

I wear high class tekno underground crop skinny wear,

But as she fucked me mommy virgin <3;!!;

I mean she did not as i up my ass pin,

When interest supervisor bitchery (acceptance request of money) throws

I glam my forever priceless in those pantihose, pornhub @hoblibobli for footage

And do what she wants for a while

Play a sclampe as she wants to change my smile - noooot.

I put back my clothes and back hoooot-S

You know with Swedish freedom brought control

I can give playful glimps but all know wont gool.

Her money i wont touch unless its the juiciest lie.

I wont give my number enjoy yours c’la vie.

(Ket-shhh) spoons = utencil ring.

Cotton=> i do stuffing (:D). We see, she give me (only the cotton: grandfather dear <3): 

Grandfather money is for the heaven on earth: with cotton.

We see

He would knowingly throw down money to bottom, brottom.

All proud: i started.

Ass bet:

Watch me. Gimme place for carpet? <3 

I did: bet i will get of the best asses in a month.

I will start with the song ready for best pressure. Mental jail is not like prison: we are not allowed workout equipment. And as you personality scan and picture me lamb, i am yet seen no packet you know Im clear and most honest but HAHA seen dumb for my automatically chosecorrect. One can be light. As the basis is pure good. But it is easy to misunderstand me, and i dont mind. :) :!!!:

You know the fetisch with fake look girls is their dumbness. I have gooped my way to my loop like red you know lasso. %)-S-correct

So the bet is to get (one of) the best ass (-es) in a month. This i Spice Girls-inspired shortened to best ass. Goes with the song this is to i hope - suomisaundi Spice Girls by a dear friend. 

My logic: everyone are the most beautiful in themselfing: if you watch the attributes of exactly them and their personality they are the most beautiful. But the ass - we will see, having said the previous and knowing that the ass is pure will power, in which i win and always have. 

Having put up the bet (12,5 kg per leg one hour/genetics thing brag (!! despite my genetics having been formed with early full will power)) ; having published the ready song and start point - up for laughs and misbelief and disgust.

My thesis is about pushing away with brutally put claims - then when they hear the logics and see the beauty they come back and have a more loyal bound than they would have had without the push away - the Bobli push pull.

After a month they are incouraged to point out better assed people for a collage with my feeling of success face/ass if i go among and win in my ass attributes.

You want my ass. Streamed? In future sure and why not direct. Studio up and 12.

This is my last project one night:

Will be recorded through gas the start and sung irregularly so the withsingers jump to it:





-Im a thinker. With kaossilator and 12 watchers.

Gimme please a place to perform. We will respect nighthours and sleep but pretty Benidorm. 50+ m2 cus read the next 3 posts: this flat (yes, i preach smoking inside and cotton is inflammable) you will hear from and i can monthly you ensmile::::!!!!:::::



16-vuotiaana tein kansion, josta näkyy silmä (tekemisen silmä; siis asettelun oikein) vaikkakin kaoottisuuden tai siis ”randomilta” näyttävä - sama silmä kuin tänään paitsi enemmän leikkiä ja siitä teoriaa randomlaitetuksessa nykyään. 

****Siitä kansiosta tulee vieraskirjani:

Bring bride-society across.

Plus for life says the cross.

(Täyttävät) old___ borrowed___ blue___ (yhteiskunnassa minun esimerkkini yhteiskuntaan verrattuna, Palace Wallace heaven on earthissa opittua. Politiikka.)

Watch my bridal glance. Did you learn it by chance?_____


Hanna Storsjö 



…cotton might not exist on Earth today :D


At least 4 smoke machines. Silk on top, crossing room. Table in the middle of cloud. Heaven.



Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

They scream it: Jesus! Guide to sex.